Interspiritual Companion

Accompanying you on your journey to something deeper

The human soul doesn’t want to be advised or fixed or saved. It simply wants to be witnessed — to be seen, heard and companioned exactly as it is.

~Parker J Palmer

There are many reasons to seek an interspiritual companion.

Have a feeling that there is more to life?

Going through a difficult transition?

Yearn to free the wonderful possibilities within yourself?

Find yourself in the same uncomfortable situation over and over?

Want to transform your way of being in the world?

Feel marginalized?

Curious about what spirituality means?

Would it be helpful to confidentially talk things out with someone who won’t be judgmental?

What is interspiritual companioning?

I wouldn’t have known it at the beginning, but I believe now that my spiritual companionship with Karen has helped to shift and align my entire Spiritual life.  This has been a space for me to untangle, to voice things I haven’t voiced in a long time, and to bring ideas and hopes from a buried place to a green sprout, pushing through the soil to seek sunshine.         ~CC

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.